Eduard Julius Ludwig von Lewinski (22 February 1829 – 17 September 1906) was a Prussian general.
Von Lewinski was born in Münster in the Province of Westphalia. He served in the 1864 Danish-Prussian War as a captain of the 1st Guard fortress company. In the 1866 German war he was assigned as a staff officer to the First Army division. In 1867 Lewinski was promoted to major on the general staff. He later served in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, first on the staff of the First Army division and later commanding the quartermaster corps of the South Army. In 1871 he became commander of the general staff of the 9th Army corps. In 1872 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and assumed command of the South Army's 24th artillery regiment.
Further steps in his military career include:
Von Lewinski died in Burgwitz Trebnitz.
His younger brother, Alfred von Lewinski, was also a Prussian general. World War II Field Marshal Erich von Manstein (1887-1973) was the biological son of the general and his wife Helene von Sperling, who was adopted at birth by their childless brother-in-law, general George von Manstein and his wife, Hedwig von Sperling, sister to Helene. A third von Sperling daughter, Gertrud, was married to Paul von Hindenburg.[1]